Our standards

Our standards for our activities

Dear reader, 
In the activities we offer, we are very keen to convey the authentic Bedouin experience as our ancestors used to do and in line with our policy and objectives.
Going on the adventure without causing any harm to the environment is our most important objective. Therefore, we set standards in the activities, as follows:
• Use recyclable materials and reduce the use of plastic.
• Not to use diesel generators during outdoor camping.
• Use as few cars as possible.
• Not to expose to or disturb any wild animal, or ride it.
• Not to drive the car on sand dunes and follow the specified paths.
• Not to use color spray to write names to remember on the rocks, but you can engrave your name as the ancients used to do that. (Not close to the historical inscriptions dating back thousands of years).
Our team is well trained to deal with any emergency, so do not worry, we take care of you as well, you are in safe hands.
We chose to be with nature and strive to preserve it and its beauty, Wadi Rum deserves that.

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